
Dentures, Lynn MA

Disease, genetic disorders, and malnutrition can cause a patient to have their lower or upper teeth extracted. It can be devastating to have your teeth removed, however, dentures can provide these patients with a second chance at a dazzling smile.

Dentures, Lynn MA

An individual who obtains a full set of dentures will not only get the assistance that they need when it comes to chewing their food, but they will also obtain support for their facial structure and an improvement in their speech. Immediate dentures are generally given to patients in order to allow their gums to heal and their bones to align correctly after having their teeth extracted. The healing process that follows teeth extractions can take up to six months, therefore immediate dentures create a great way for patients to obtain a wonderful smile while waiting for their permanent set of dentures to arrive.

Patients that do not require a full set of dentures, can have partial dentures placed in their mouths in order to replace one missing string of teeth. These partial dentures are secured to the rest of your teeth with clasps, and they are integrated into your smile.

Regardless of the type of dentures that you require, we will help ensure that each patient receives natural-appearing results that match our patients’ facial structure and the desired tooth color that they want.

To receive further information on our denture procedures in Lynn, MA feel free to schedule a free consultation or contact Alegre Cosmetic Dentist directly